Wyndham City is proud to announce Meesha Pujitha Gunawardena as the One Wyndham recipient for April.

Meesha is a motivated young person who makes a difference in our community.

In 2022 Meesha was awarded the St John’s Ambulance Wyndham Division’s new member of the year award.

As well, Meesha volunteers as a Ward Ambassador every week at Monash Health Medical Centre where she looks after the wellbeing of patients.

Meesha has a passion for healthcare and is currently completing a Master of Public Health and aims to work in public health so she can advocate for improved health outcomes for people in rural and remote areas and our first nations people.

Her strong belief in education as the "great equaliser" drives her commitment to ensure children from disadvantaged communities receive an equal opportunity for a better future.

Wyndham City Mayor Cr Susan McIntyre said: “Meesha is an exemplary role model and a positive influence in the community.”

“Her passion to help others in the community is truly wonderful.”

“Wyndham City thanks and appreciates the contribution Meesha makes to Wyndham and the wider community.”

One Wyndham recipients are residents aged between 12 to 25 who positively contribute to the Wyndham community and are role models to other young people.

Each month Council selects a Wyndham resident to be awarded the ‘Young Person of the Month’.

Winners are awarded a $300 gift voucher of their choice and other prizes.

For more information about Youth Services One Wyndham Project, go to: www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/services/youth-services/awards-competitions/one-wyndham

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