Wyndham City Arts & Culture creates and supports exceptional arts experiences and opportunities for its diverse community. Through our arts and culture programs we contribute to developing creative people, creative cities and vibrant places for people. 

Wyndham City Arts & Cultures supports the development of a rapidly developing and emerging creative and arts community for Wyndham and to provide points of access, participation and connection for the broader community by providing relevant and diverse arts experiences. We do this through:

  • Wyndham Art Gallery: through the delivery of a visual arts programs and exhibitions through a professionally delivered program that resonates, reflect and engages the community
  • Wyndham Cultural Centre: It's a place for art. For theatre. For you. So please join us and get ready to find your place.
  • Public Art: through the commissioning and management of public art to provide access, points of connection, pride and beauty in our public spaces
  • Public Programs: through programming workshops, events and community-based projects to provide points for active participation in the arts
  • Arts Development: programs to build and support and grow our emerging growing creative community / industries

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Wyndham Art Gallery

Wyndham Art Gallery is a council owned and run gallery. Over the last 11 years it has offered a curated program that reflects the diverse social and cultural character of Wyndham.....

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