Breastfeeding Support Request

Please Note – we are currently experiencing high rates of referrals at present along with staffing challenges due to variety of leave. We apologise for the potential delay in availability of appointments at the Breastfeeding Support Service.

Wyndham Council offers a Breastfeeding Support Service (BFSS) to all families living within the Wyndham area. Consultations are with an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

The service runs Monday to Friday. All consultations are free of charge. They include:

  • One on one consultation in a BFSS consultation room or MCHN office situated throughout the Wyndham area
  • Option of phone consultation

To make an appointment complete our online form 


  • 24 hour Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline (free) Phone : 1800 686 268, with interpreter: Phone: 131 450
  • 24 hour Maternal and Child Helpline (free):132 229             


Online Resources

Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) Support Services

Australian Government Sites

Languages Other Than English - Search for information on Breastfeeding in a language other than English 

Useful Websites


Other Breastfeeding Support Available

Hospital Services (free)

Private Practice Lactation Consultants (Ibclc)

Breast Pump Hire

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