Please Note – we are currently experiencing high rates of referrals at present along with staffing challenges.
We apologise for the potential delay in availability of appointments at the Breastfeeding Support Service.
Wyndham Council offers a Breastfeeding Support Service (BFSS) to all families living within the Wyndham area. Consultations and groups are with a certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).
The service runs Monday to Friday. All breastfeeding support services are free of charge. They include:
- Appointment based consultations.
- Virtual groups for specific support to commence Friday 23rd August, 2024
Friday mornings (trial period to end of 2024):
- Back to Breast - support for families to manage bottle use and interrupted breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding Basics for parents new to breastfeeding
- BF drop in sessions – To commence Friday 23rd August 2024
- Friday afternoons between 1 – 3pm at Werribee West MCH Centre Werribee West - 37 Ballan Road, Werribee. No appointment necessary (trial period to end of 2024)
To make an appointment complete our online form
- 24 hour Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline (free) Phone : 1800 686 268, with interpreter: Phone: 131 450
- 24 hour Maternal and Child Helpline (free):132 229
Online Resources
Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) Support Services
- ABA Website for reliable, evidence based breastfeeding information and support.
- Australian Breastfeeding Association’s website LiveChat Mon – Fri 8-10pm
- mum2mum app to download
- ABA Helpline
- ABA Podcast and blog – by parents for parents
- ABA Facebook support group - This group is a space for peer encouragement and support in breastfeeding and parenting. The group is open to everyone, whether or not you are a member of ABA once approved by admin.
- ABA Local Support Groups
Australian Government Sites
- Raising Children website – the Australian parenting website
- Raising Children Website – Baby-led attachment
- Raising Children Website – Breastfeeding videos
- Raising Children Breastfeeding and Bottlefeeding
Languages Other Than English - Search for information on Breastfeeding in a language other than English
- ABA Breastfeeding with Confidence Booklet in languages other than English
- Amharic, Arabic, Assyrian, Burmese, Chinese, Croation, Dari, Dinka, Farsi, Hindi, Karen, Tamil, Vietnamese
- Raising Children information on breastfeeding, including in languages other than English
- Health Translations Directory – provides direct links to translated resources on health and wellbeing, produced in Australia
- Health Translations Directory on breastfeeding - Search for information on Breastfeeding in Language other than English
Useful Websites
- La Leche League International Breastfeeding information
- Support In The Community: ABA Community Support
Other Breastfeeding Support Available
Hospital Services (free)
- Western Health - Sunshine Hospital: A Breastfeeding Support Service with a lactation consultant for parent/infant who has birthed there.
- Werribee Mercy Breastfeeding Support Service:Phone: 03 8754 3407. For parent/infant who has birthed there.
- Western Health (Djerriwarrh Health Services) – Bacchus Marsh: For families within Moorabool Shire, Phone (voicemail) : 53679873. Email: (Subject Heading Attention: Breastfeeding services)
- Barwon Health – University Hospital Geelong: For parent/infant who has birthed there, or infant that has been admitted to Nursery.
Private Practice Lactation Consultants (Ibclc)
- Lactation Consultants of Australia and New Zealand: Access to professional private breastfeeding support from International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC). Individual fee structures apply.