Amendment C231 - Various parcels in Little River, Mount Cottrell, Manor Lakes, Point Cook, Tarneit, Truganina, Werribee, and Wyndham Vale


The Amendment was publicly exhibited between 28 January and 1 March 2021. Notification was published in the Victorian Government Gazette, Star Weekly, and sent to all directly affected landowners and occupiers, as well as the relevant authorities in accordance with Section 19 of the Act.

During the exhibition of the Amendment, Council received a handful of enquiries, and five submissions.

Current Status:

Following a public exhibition of the Amendment C231wynd, Council considered all relevant submissions.

In the Ordinary Council meeting on 22 March 2022, Council resolved to adopt the Amendment as exhibited, except for the following changes, and to submit the adopted Amendment to the Minister for Planning for approval:

  1. remove the proposed Incorporated Plan Overlay Schedule 3 (IPO3) from 2 Dukelows Road, Mount Cottrell and all land within the future Oakbank PSP area;
  2. remove the proposed rezoning of 330 Point Cook Road to Public Use Zone 1


In 2018, Council undertook a review of the Wyndham Planning Scheme pursuant to the requirement set out in Section 12B of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (“the Act”). On 5 February 2019, Council resolved to endorse the Wyndham Planning Scheme Review Final Report, August 2018 (“the Review”), to submit the Review to the Minister for Planning, and to seek authorisation from the Minister to implement the relevant recommendations in the Review through Amendment C231wynd to the Wyndham Planning Scheme.

Due to the concurrent Smart Planning initiative of the State Government that would result in changes to many of the same provisions that were recommended for updates in the Review, the Minister restricted the scope of the Amendment to mapping changes only in their authorisation to Council on 4 December 2020. The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) advised that, all changes to the ordinance, including the Local Planning Policy Framework (LPPF) and local provisions within the Planning Scheme, should be pursued after the translation of the Planning Policy Framework (PPF). The translation has recently been completed through the approval of Planning Scheme Amendment C258wynd.

Amendment C231wynd, in accordance with the Ministerial authorisation received, proposes a number of mapping changes to rectify anomalies, remove redundant controls, and align controls to ensure consistency with other provisions of the Wyndham Planning Scheme.

Specifically, the Amendment proposes the following mapping changes:

  1. ·    Ensure consistency with existing provisions of the Wyndham Planning Scheme:
  • Extend Environmental Significance Overlay Schedule 2 (ESO2) to align with the Conservation Areas as identified in the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2013 (“the BCS”) referenced in Clause 21.03-1.
  • Align Rural Conservation Zone (RCZ) mapping over the entirety of Conservation Areas 10 and 14 identified in the BCS, except where this conflicts with Public Use Zoning crossing conservation areas (and back zone the land to the underlying zones where appropriate, i.e. where the Conservation Zone no longer applies).
  • Amend the mapping of Incorporated Plan Overlay Schedule 3 (IPO3) for Ballan Road Precinct Structure Plan (PSP), Westbrook PSP and Riverdale PSP to include the Conservation Area 14 as identified in the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (2013) within these PSP boundaries.
  • Amend the mapping of Incorporated Plan Overlay Schedule 4 (IPO4) for Truganina PSP and Riverdale PSP to include the entire Conservation Area 10 as identified in the BCS within these PSP boundaries.
  1. Rectify mapping anomalies:
  • Rezone land on 330 Point Cook Road, Point Cook from Farming Zone (FZ) to Public Use Zone (PUZ1 - Service & Utility) to recognise its public land use function.
  • Rezone a number of parcels in Truganina, Manor Lakes, Point Cook, Tarneit, and Werribee from General Residential Zone (GRZ) to Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ) to reflect the public ownership and use of the land.
  • Rezone the Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ) component of the five residential properties (24, 26 & 28 Wattamolla Ave and 4 & 5 Talia Court, Werribee) to General Residential Zone (GRZ) consistent with the balance of the properties.
  • Rezone part of Green Wedge Zone (GWZ) land on 470 Wests Road, Werribee to Special Use Zone Schedule 6 (SUZ6) consistent with the balance of the land.
  • Rezone part of the Council reserve on 92 Willowgreen Way, Point Cook from Public Conservation and Resource Zone (PCRZ) to Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ), consistent with the balance of the reserve.
  • Rezone 62 Black Forest Road, Werribee from General Residential Zone Schedule 1 (GRZ1) to Urban Flood Zone (UFZ), to recognise its public ownership, flood risk, and land management practice consistent with the balance of the adjoining floodway / open space.
  • Rezone the PPRZ portion of the land on 36 Manorvale Parade in Werribee (Lot 1, TP826209) to GRZ1, consistent with the balance of this privately-owned residential land.
  • Realign the Heritage Overlay (HO) to cover the entire property of 51-59 Russell Street (HO89).
  • Realign the HO to cover the whole - Grant Bridge on You Yangs Road, Little River (HO122).
  • Extend the HO to cover the concrete building on Little River Reserve, 15-31 You Yangs Road, Little River (HO124).
  1. Remove redundant controls:
  • Remove application of Development Plan Overlay Schedule 2 (DPO2) from 2, 8, 10, 12 Mala Street and 54A, 54B, 54C and 54D Toritta Way, Truganina.

Inspecting the amendment

You may inspect the amendment, any documents that support the amendment and the explanatory report about the amendment, free of charge, at:

Amendment C246 – Public Acquisition Overlay - 75 Westmeadow Lane, Truganina


Council resolved to abandon the amendment following a resolution with the landowner to purchase the land. The Minister has now been notified of Council’s decision.

What was proposed in the amendment: The Amendment proposed to apply a Public Acquisition Overlay (PAO3) to the land located at 75 Westmeadows Lane, Truganina

Why was the Amendment proposed initially?

The Amendment was proposed to identify the land as required for an active open space reserve. This responds to a documented current and future shortfall of active open space in the north of the municipality, as identified in the Wyndham Open Space Strategy (WOSS), a strategy adopted by Council with a purpose “intended to address open space needs of the existing Wyndham community and plan for the future growth by anticipating the needs of the growing population”.

The WOSS identifies a current shortfall in district level active open space across the north of the municipality, in the suburbs of Tarneit, Hoppers Crossing and Truganina. The WOSS states that across the three suburbs, there is a collective deficit of 40.2 hectares of district level active open space.

Currently there are very limited opportunities to provide for additional active open space to meet the identified shortfall in the existing developed areas of Hoppers Crossing and Truganina.

The land affected by the amendment is non-developed land of a size that can facilitate development of active open space that would service the Truganina/Hoppers Crossing area.

The WOSS recommends as a key action the need to secure and develop new active open spaces in the established suburbs of Wyndham to cater to the sporting demands of the current and growing population. Recommended actions for the provision of active open space include:

“Identify sites to improve the coverage of district level active open spaces to serve the following OSPDs as priority: Point Cook, Tarneit and Hoppers Crossing.” (Action no. 10)

The proposal responds to the need identified in the WOSS Acquisition Plan (Appendix 4, Page 172) to secure district level active open space given the shortfalls of 21.98ha in Hoppers Crossing, 3.46ha in Tarneit and 14.78ha in Truganina, Williams Landing, Laverton North when compared to open space coverage standards identified in the WOSS. The land identified in this Amendment is located close to the boundary of the Hoppers Crossing, Tarneit and Truganina Open Space Planning Districts.

The exhibition process:

The proposed Amendment was formally put on public exhibition between 30 March 2020 and 14 May 2020. Council received one submission against the amendment.

Why was the amendment abandoned:

In parallel to the exhibition process, Council officers entered discussions and worked to negotiate with the landowner for the private purchase of the land.  In 2021, the landowner agreed to the private sale of the land to Council and a contract was finalized in December 2021. As a result, the Amendment which would facilitate a compulsory acquisition is no longer required and should be abandoned.

Where you may inspect this Amendment

The abandoned Amendment is available for public inspection, free of charge, at the front entrance of Wyndham City Council, 45 Princes Highway Werribee. The amendment is also available below (See links below).


  1. Explanatory Report
  2. Notice of the Amendment
  3. Instruction Sheet
  4. Proposed Planning Scheme Map 

Amendment C253WYND/ WYP11874/19 - Combined amendment/permit application - 420 Wests Road, Werribee

The land affected by the combined amendment / planning permit is Lot 3 of TP319902, on 420 Wests Road, Werribee.

The Amendment proposes to insert a new Schedule 5 to the Clause 37.01 Special Use Zone and rezone the land from Schedule 6 to the Special Use Zone to Schedule 5 to the Special Use Zone. The application is for a permit to allow the use and development of the land for a concrete batching plant.

The applicant for the permit is Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd.

Inspect the amendment:

You may inspect the Amendment, the Explanatory Report about the Amendment, the application, and any documents that support the Amendment and the application, including the proposed permit, free of charge, at:


The public exhibition of the amendment closed on 2 July 2021.  Council is reviewing the submissions received. With further work to be undertaken by the proponent, Council is anticipated to formally consider the amendment before the end of this year.

Community members who have questions about this amendment are welcome to contact Urban Futures at Council.

Exhibition documents

C253wynd 001znMap21 Exhibition

C253wynd Explanatory Report Exhibition

C253wynd Instruction Sheet Exhibition

C253wynd SUZ5 exhibition

C253wynd WYP11874_19 Draft Permit Exhibition


Amendment C260wynd – Amendment to Tarneit North PSP (Widening of Dohertys Road)


On Tuesday 9 February 2021 Wyndham City Council Planning Committee resolved to

1. request the Minister for Planning to:
a) prepare Amendment C251wynd, and exempt themself from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 and the regulations, under Section 20(4) of the Act;
b) approve Amendment C251wynd;
2. in the event where the Minister does not undertake amendment C251wynd as per recommendation (1) above, authorise officers to proceed to seek authorisation from the Minister to prepare and exhibit the amendment in accordance with any conditions as directed by the Minister.

Note: Amendment C251wynd has been changed to Amendment C260wynd

Download a copy of the Council Resolution and meeting minutes.

The amendment has received authorisation from the Minister for Planning and is now on exhibition.

Purpose of Amendment

The purpose of the amendment is to address an anomaly in the Tarneit North PSP incorporated document to ensure sufficient land is allocated on the three properties identified below to make provision for the 66kV overhead powerlines (and associated landscaping). These properties include:

•    560 Davis Road Tarneit 
•    1283 Dohertys Road, Tarneit 
•    1273 Dohertys Road, Tarneit 

What the Amendment does

The Amendment updates the content of the Tarneit North Precinct Structure Plan incorporated document and Wyndham North Development Contributions Plan Incorporated Document.

Inspect the amendment:

You may inspect the Amendment, any documents that support the Amendment and the explanatory report, free of charge, at:


Any person who may be affected by the amendment may make a submission to the planning authority. Submissions about the amendment must be received by 27 November 2023.

A submission must be sent to (with reference to Amendment C260wnd):
Wyndham City Council
Civic Centre
45 Princes Highway
Werribee VIC 3030


Exhibition documents

Notice of preparation of an amendment
Explanatory Report
Tarneit North PSP (amended August 2023)
Wyndham North DCP (amended August 2023)
Wyndham North DCP Appendices (amended August 2023)

Amendment C263wynd – Schedule 2 to the Urban Growth Zone – Truganina Employment PSP


At the Council meeting held Tuesday 26 July 2022, Council resolved to seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare Planning Scheme Amendment C263 to the Wyndham Planning Scheme.

What is proposed in the amendment:

The amendment seeks to update Schedule 2 of the Urban Growth Zone which applies to land within ‘Industrial Park B’ of the Truganina Employment PSP.  The proposed update to the schedule will allow Council to make assessments of uses that currently do not require permit approval, allowing consideration of the cumulative impacts of such proposals and their appropriateness in an industrially focussed PSP.

Why was the amendment proposed?

The amendment was proposed to protect the industrial land within the Truganina Employment Precinct Structure Plan (PSP). This area is designed for industrial use and will develop into an important industrial area within Wyndham, however under the current planning controls other uses are impacting which are not consistent with the industrial focus (e.g. retail, commercial businesses that would be better placed in activity centres).

The Truganina Employment PSP is a plan for a new employment area of approximately 662 hectares.  This PSP aims to bring between 10,000-15,000 new jobs to the region. It proposes a high quality industrial area and was approved by the Minister for Planning in December 2009 through Amendment C124 to the Planning Scheme.

The intent (vision) of the Truganina Employment PSP is “to provide diverse employment opportunities for Wyndham and the western region of Melbourne by establishing a thriving industrial employment precinct that extends the West Industrial Node and provides for a wide range of businesses and jobs. The precinct will comprise of quality industrial park developments with a logistic bias, and have strong links to industrial activity centres and future higher order services.”

The PSP is being undermined due to the applied zoning in the Industrial Park B area of the PSP. The proposed update of the Schedule will allow planning officers to make assessments of uses that currently do not require permit approval, allowing consideration of the cumulative impacts of such proposals and their appropriateness in an industrially focused PSP.  It would also prohibit any uses which do not align with the vision and intent of the PSP.

The updated schedule will require applicants for certain uses (restricted retail premises and take away premises) to apply for a planning permit.  It will also prohibit certain uses within Industrial Park B.  These uses will be prohibited as they do not align with the vision and intent of the Truganina Employment PSP.

The exhibition process:

The proposed amendment will be put on exhibition from Tuesday 11 October to Thursday 10 November 2022. Letters will be sent to landowners and occupiers in the affected area and the documents will also be available to inspect online and at the Civic Centre free of charge.

Any person who may be affected by the amendment may make a submission to the planning authority about the amendment. Submissions must be made in writing giving the submitter’s name and contact address, clearly stating the grounds on which the amendment is supported or opposed and indicating what changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make.

Name and contact details of submitters are required for Council to consider submissions and to notify such persons of the opportunity to attend Council meetings and any public hearing held to consider submissions. A submission must be sent to Wyndham City Council,45 Princes Highway, Werribee VIC 3030 or by email to  with reference Amendment C263.

Where you may inspect this Amendment:

The amendment is available for public inspection, free of charge, at the at the front entrance of Wyndham City Council, 45 Princes Highway, Werribee. The amendment is also available below (See links below).


  1. Explanatory Report
  2. Notice of the Amendment
  3. Instruction Sheet
  4. Proposed Schedule 2 to UGZ with tracked changes

Amendment C265 - Tarneit North PSP

UPDATE – Please be advised that at the 23 April 2024 Council Meeting, Council resolved to:

  1. Abandon Amendment C265wynd and notify the Minister for Planning in writing and publish a notice of the decision, pursuant to Section 28 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
  2. Requests officers to prepare a new piece of work to address housing density and diversity issues around the Regional Rail Link Stations that seeks to align planning and development outcomes with The Wyndham Plan.
  3. Note that this new piece of work may ultimately form the basis for a new planning scheme amendment, subject to a future decision of Council.

Please see notice of decision to abandon amendment here.


On Tuesday 8 November 2022 Wyndham City Council resolved to

  1. Seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning for Council to prepare a Planning Scheme Amendment to the Wyndham Planning Scheme to amend the Tarneit North PSP to support and encourage an increase in housing densities within 400 metres of the future Davis Road railway station.
  1. Prepare and give notice of the amendment in accordance with the Minister’s authorisation and relevant sections of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
  • Download a copy of the Council Resolution and meeting minutes.

The amendment has received authorisation from the Minister for Planning and is now on exhibition.

Land affected by the amendment:

The Wyndham City Council has prepared Amendment C265 to the Wyndham Planning Scheme in accordance with the ministerial authorisation letter. The land affected by the amendment is within the Tarneit North PSP and within 400 m of future railway station sites and any future Principal Public Transport Network (PPTN).

C265wynd Map of Land Affected - EXHIBITION FINAL

What the amendment does:

The amendment seeks to provide stronger guidance in the Tarneit North PSP to achieve density and housing diversity in in locations supported by existing and future transport infrastructure.

Specifically, the amendment proposes to:

1. Update Requirement 7 in the Tarneit North PSP.

Requirement 7 currently states:

"Development must appropriately respond to the existing railway station, potential future railway station sites, and future Principal Public Transport Network (PPTN) through the creation of opportunities for high density residential development."

Proposed wording of Requirement 7:

"Development within 400m of the existing railway station, potential future railway station sites, and any future Principal Public Transport Network (PPTN) must provide an appropriate response through the creation of opportunities for high density residential development, particularly stacked housing as defined in Table 1 and as described in the concept plans in Section 3.2.

Table 1 of Section 3.1.2 is reproduced below.

Table 1 of Section 3.1.2

2. Update plans 2 and 3 within the Tarneit North PSP

The amendment proposes to replace the existing Future Urban Structure Plan and Image, Character, Heritage, & Housing Plan (i.e. Plan 2 and Plan 3 in the Tarneit North PSP) with updated plans including the changes shown in Figure 2 below:

Update plans 2 and 3 within the Tarneit North PSP

3. Amend Schedule 13 to Clause 37.07 (Urban Growth Zone)

The amendment proposes to revise Schedule 13 to the Urban Growth Zone to include an updated Plan 1 showing higher density areas within 400 m of the future Davis Road Railway Station (identical to Figure 2 above).

4. Amend the Schedule to Clause 72.04 (Incorporated Documents)

The amendment proposes to introduce a revised schedule to Clause 72.04 to update the document date for the Tarneit North PSP to reflect the date of this amendment.

Inspect the amendment:

You may inspect the Amendment, any documents that support the Amendment and the explanatory report, free of charge, at:


The public exhibition of the amendment closed on 7 August 2023.  At the 23 April 2024 Council Meeting, Council resolved to abandon Planning Scheme Amendment C265. Please see notice of decision to abandon amendment  here.

Community members who have questions about this amendment are welcome to contact Urban Transformation at Council.

Exhibition documents:

Amendment C266wynd - Update to Wyndham Municipal Planning Strategy


On Tuesday 27 February 2024 Wyndham City Council resolved to:

1. Seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare and exhibit a Planning Scheme Amendment to incorporate The Wyndham Plan adopted by Council at its meeting on 24 October 2023 as a background document into the Wyndham Planning Scheme and amend the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) to align with The Wyndham Plan.

2. Prepare and give notice of the amendment in accordance with the Minister’s authorisation and relevant sections of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The amendment was authorised by the Minister for Planning on 24 May 2024. Download a copy of the authorisation letter.

The amendment is now on exhibition until 22 July 2024.

Details of the amendment

The amendment updates the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) to align with The Wyndham Plan (Wyndham City Council, 2023) to provide a strategic framework to guide future development within the City of Wyndham.

The amendment also updates the Schedule to Clause 72.08 (Background documents) to include The Wyndham Plan (Wyndham City Council, 2023) as a background document and updates the Schedule to Clause 74.02 (Further Strategic Work) to include future actions to be undertaken by Council which have been derived from The Wyndham Plan (Wyndham City Council, 2023).

The land affected by the amendment is all land within the municipality of Wyndham.

For further details, refer to the explanatory report about the amendment.

Inspect the amendment

You may inspect the amendment, any documents that support the amendment and the explanatory report about the amendment, free of charge, at:

Current status

The public exhibition of the amendment is currently open and will close on 22 July 2024. Following the close of the exhibition period Council will review any submissions received.

Community members who have questions about this amendment are welcome to contact Strategic Planning team of Council via phone at 1300 023 411.

Exhibition documents

Amendment C267 - Implementation of the Wyndham Industrial Land Use Strategy


On Tuesday 9 May 2023 Wyndham City Council resolved to

  1. Seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare and exhibit Planning Scheme Amendment C267.
  2. Prepare and give notice of the amendment in accordance with the Minister’s authorisation and relevant sections of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Download a copy of the Council Resolution and meeting minutes here

The amendment has received authorisation from the Minister for Planning and is now on exhibition from 1 February to 3 March 2024.

Download a copy of the authorisation letter here

Land affected by the amendment:

The Wyndham City Council has prepared Amendment C267 to the Wyndham Planning Scheme in accordance with the ministerial authorisation letter. The amendment applies to current and future industrial zoned land within the City of Wyndham municipal boundary.



What the amendment does:

The amendment will ensure that the Wyndham Industrial Land Use Strategy (WILUS) is considered in all future policy and strategic initiatives as a relevant background document and that the strategy objectives are reflected appropriately in local policy in the Wyndham Planning Scheme. This will enable Wyndham to effectively plan and meet the growing demand for industrial land and the economic and employment opportunities that this will provide.

Specifically, the amendment will:

  • Insert the Wyndham Industrial Land-Use Strategy 2022 (WILUS) into the Wyndham Planning Scheme as a background document in the Schedule to Clause 72.08.
  • Amend the relevant sections of the Municipal Planning Strategy at Clause 02.03-7 (Economic Development) and also at Clause 02.04 (Strategic Framework Plan) to include a new map showing the Wyndham City Industrial Precincts.
  • Amend local planning policy at Clause 17.03-1L to reference and align with the WILUS.
  • Amend the Schedule to Clause 74.02 (Further Strategic Work) to include further strategic work as identified in the WILUS.

Inspect the amendment:

You may inspect the Amendment, any documents that support the Amendment and the explanatory report, free of charge, at:


The public exhibition of the amendment is currently open and will close on 3 March 2024. Following the close of the exhibition period Council will review any submissions received.

Community members who have questions about this amendment are welcome to contact Urban Transformation at Council via phone at 1300 023 411.

Exhibition documents:

C267wynd Explanatory Report - EXHIBITION


C267wynd Instruction Sheet – EXHIBITION


C267wynd Clause 02.03 – Updates - EXHIBITION


C267wynd Clause 02.04 – Updates – EXHIBITION


C267wynd Clause 17.03-1L – Updates – EXHIBITION


C267wynd Schedule to Clause 72.08 – Updates – EXHIBITION


C267wynd Schedule to Clause 74.02 – Updates – EXHIBITION


C267wynd Wyndham Industrial Land-Use Strategy Document - EXHIBITION

Amendment C268 – George Chirnside Experimental Dairy Complex – Heritage Overlay

Notice of approval of amendment

Amendment C268wynd

The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment C268wynd to the Wyndham Planning Scheme.

Amendment C268 deletes the Heritage Overlay from HO25 ‘George Chirnside Experimental Dairy’ Lot 4 Crawford Road, Werribee South VIC 3030.

Notice of approval of the amendment was published in the Government Gazette on 14 March 2024. 

This link to Amendment C268wyndin Planning Scheme Amendments Online will take you to the lodged documents as required under section 40(1) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

About the Amendment

The amendment applies to the following properties located along the east side of Crawford Road Werribee South, all of which are affected by HO25 and identified in the image below:

  • 201 Crawfords Road, Werribee South (Lot 1 on Plan of Subdivision 332021Q)
  • 225 Crawfords Road, Werribee South (Lot 2 on Plan of Subdivision 332021Q)
  • 245 Crawfords Road, Werribee South (Lot 3 on Plan of Subdivision 332021Q)
  • 275 Crawfords Road, Werribee South (Lot 1 on Plan of Subdivision 513533D)
  • 285 Crawfords Road, Werribee South (Lot 2 on Plan of Subdivision 513533D)
  • 295 Crawfords Road, Werribee South (Reserve 1 on Plan of Subdivision 513532F)

The amendment deletes the Heritage Overlay from HO25 ‘George Chirnside Experimental Dairy’ Lot 4 Crawford Road, Werribee South VIC 3030.


Map 1 - Affected Properties

Why was the amendment required?

The amendment was required to ensure the Wyndham Planning Scheme is updated to reflect the demolition of the former George Chirnside Experimental Dairy Complex and its garden setting.

Council decision on the Amendment

Atthe Council meeting 28 November 2023,Council resolved to:

  • Adopt Planning Scheme Amendment C268 as exhibited to delete the Heritage Overlay HO25 (George Chirnside Experimental Dairy) from the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay of the Wyndham Planning Scheme.
  • Submit the adopted Planning Scheme Amendment C268, together with the prescribed information, to the Minister for Planning for approval and gazettal in accordance with the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Download a copy of the Council minutes and resolution

Where you may inspect this Amendment

The amendment is available for public inspection , and free of charge, during office hours at:

Wyndham City Council
45 Princes Highway

The amendment can also be inspected free of charge at the Department of Transport and Planning website at:

Amendment C268wyndPlanning Scheme Amendments Online 

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