EzyBill QR Code

For a convenient and sustainable option, you can now request to have rates notices and instalment notices sent to you via email. Once registered you will continue to receive all rates notices directly to your inbox, and will have access to notices received after 1st April 2020 via the Ezybill portal.

When you sign up to receive your rates notices electronically, your tip token will be attached to your notice for use electronically (QR code can be scanned from your electronic device at refuse facility entrance) or via printed hard copy (eligible residential properties only).

Rates Notice

Need help with the registration process?

Complete the online registration form by entering

  • Full name or Company name
  • Your email address
  • A password
  • Mobile Number

and Select Create Account

Once your account is created you will be required to enter

  1. Assessment number
  2. Full name or company name  (as it appears on your notice )

Already have an Ezybill Account, You can now sign into your Ezybill Account to manage your account and view notices.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service team on 1300 023 411 or lodge a Rates Enquiry.

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