Preschool Field Officer (PSFO) Service

The Preschool Field Officer (PSFO) service contributes to the provision of a quality early childhood program to ensure it meets the diverse needs of all children. 

The PSFO Service is designed to deliver professional support and consultation. It aims to build the capacity of early childhood educators to provide for the inclusion and participation of all children in funded kindergarten programs. 

The PSFO service is funded by the Department of Education (DE) and Wyndham City Council manage and deliver the service with no additional cost to families.

Who is the target group for the PSFO service?

  • 3 or 4 year old children with varied learning and developmental needs attending a government funded kindergarten program.
  • This also includes children in receipt of Early Start Kindergarten funding who are attending a three-year old kindergarten program delivered by a degree qualified early childhood educator.

Does this include children supported by NDIS?

When a child is supported by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) or early childhood intervention continuity of support provider, it is expected that the early childhood educator, in consultation with the family, will seek support from this provider in the first instance.  If the educator has made all efforts but been unable to engage these supports, they can submit a PSFO Request for Support.

Who are Children with Varied Learning and Developmental Need?

Varied learning and developmental needs may include, but are not limited to:

  • A range of varied behaviours
  • Variations in speech, language or communication
  • Social and emotional differences
  • A diagnosed disability
  • Trauma

What does capacity building of early childhood educators mean?

The PSFO capacity building approach recognises and respects the expertise and ongoing role of the early childhood educator in supporting children’s learning and development by supporting early childhood educators to:

  • Gain the knowledge and skills to confidently implement practices and provide programs that are responsive to the individual abilities, interests and needs of all children in an inclusive early childhood environment
  • See themselves as having both the responsibility and capability to plan for all children in the early childhood program and that it is not only experts with specialist skills who can provide support for children with varied learning and developmental needs.
  • Respond to parents’ concerns regarding their child’s development

Support may include:

  • Information, resources, strategies or coaching and modelling of specific skills
  • Identification of referral pathways
  • Contributing to recognising the child’s capabilities as well as their learning and development requirements

Do PSFOs work with families?

PSFOs work within the context of the early childhood program.  The PSFO does not directly deliver intervention to a child within the early childhood setting but acts as a consultant and coach to the early childhood educator.

This approach may involve direct contact with the child and family in the early childhood setting, however, this work is done in collaboration with and through the early childhood educator in a manner that respects the educator’s ongoing relationship with the child and family as opposed to the short-term nature of the PSFO engagement with the child and family.

With parent/carer consent the PSFO can directly observe a child in the early childhood environment and contribute to the educator’s assessment of the child’s capabilities as well as their learning and development needs.  This information assists educators and families to make informed decisions regarding referral pathways for specialised assessment or support services.  PSFOs also assist the educator to identify and link families to a range of supports available and assist the educator’s program planning for the child in the early childhood setting.

Where an early childhood educator seeks support from the PSFO service in relation to an individual child, the early childhood educator is required to obtain informed consent from parents/guardians/carers prior to requesting PSFO assistance.

Who can request support?

  • Early Childhood professionals
  • Parents/Guardians in collaboration with the child’s educator
  • Other health care professionals with parental/guardian consent and in collaboration with the child’s educator

Can parents contact the PSFO service?

Parents of children who attend an early childhood service who have concerns regarding their child’s development are encouraged to discuss these with their child’s early childhood educator in the first instance.  Where a parent directly contacts the PSFO program, the PSFO will liaise with the relevant early childhood educator to progress the request for support.

Information and Support Options for Educators

Support Options

There are three support options available:

1.  Individual Child - 3 Year Old Service

PSFOs can assist three year old children attending a State-funded three year old Kindergarten program with parental/guardian consent.

2.  Individual Child - 4 Year Old Service

PSFOs can assist four year old children attending a State-funded four year old Kindergarten program with parental/guardian consent.

3.  General advice without completing a request for service

Educators can call or email the PSFO service for guidance and information without completing a request for support form.  We can provide phone support to discuss concerns, guide with referral pathway options, strategies for inclusion, how to approach parents, etc.

Request forms can be found on this page, or by contacting the service on 03 9742 8199 or email;


What will happen if an educator requests support for a child and they have commenced the pathway for Early Childhood Early Intervention (Brotherhood of St Laurence/NDIS) Services?

If a child’s development is supported by a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) or early childhood intervention continuity of support provider, it is expected that the early childhood educator, in consultation with the family, will seek support from this provider in the first instance.  If the educator has made all efforts but been unable to engage these supports, an educator can submit a support request to the Wyndham PSFO Service.

PSFO Support Request Form

Please complete the following steps to request support for an individual child:

  1. Discuss the Request For Support with the family.
  • Educators or other professionals must discuss their reasons for requesting PSFO support with the child’s parent/guardian prior to submitting the form.
  • For families who do not have English as their primary language, please use an interpreter to ensure all information discussed is understood.
  1. Complete the Request For Support form with the family
  • Please complete the form in consultation with the family, there are sections for both the educator and family to complete.

The form can be downloaded below. 

The request for support form is updated every year – please ensure the current form is used. Be specific about the child’s needs and what support is required.

  1. Submit the signed form to the PSFO Service (verbal consent is not permitted)

Once the request has been received by the PSFO Service an email confirmation will be sent. If you do not receive a confirmation within 7 working days, please make contact to check receipt.

All decisions made regarding the child and further referrals, will be made in collaboration with the parent and educators.

Download: PSFO Support Request Forms (word version)

Download: PSFO Support Request Forms (interactive pdf version)

Contact the PSFO Service

Preschool Field Officer Service
Wyndham City Council
45 Princes Hwy (PO Box 197)
WERRIBEE     VIC    3030
Telephone:  (03) 9742 8199

PSFO Flyers

DE funded supports in Kindergarten: The difference between PSFO and SRF cohealth

All funded 3 and 4 year old Kindergartens have access to the PSFO and SRF cohealth funded programs to support Educators. What is the difference between the two programs?  

Find Out More

Educator Resources

PSFO Support Guide

Interpreting Service - Language Loop

Have you considered utilising the Language Loop Interpreting Service to support building relationships with families & to support their understanding of conversations about their child and services available to support them?

The Department of Education (DE) has partnered with Language Loop (formerly VITS) to provide free interpreting services to state funded early childhood services who do not receive direct funding for language services.

This can be used, for example, to support families from a language background other than English and require communication to be undertaken in their first language.

Visit the website for more info -

Tip Sheets and more

Local Paediatric Support Services and Therapists

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Support Services

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Amaze (Formerly Autism Victoria)

Address: 24 Drummond Street, Carlton (Near the cnr of Drummond & Victoria Streets)
Postal Address: PO Box 374, Carlton South, Vic 3053
Tel - Infoline:  1300 308 699

Amaze helps individuals on the autism spectrum, their parents/carers and families, support groups, autism professionals, schools and all others who need information and assistance on the subject of autism.

Raising Children Network

Useful information on popular ASD topics such as; Learning about ASD, Behaviour, Communicating, Development, Therapies & services, Health & daily care


Or Search:  “Autism Spectrum Disorder” for further information

ASD Transition Statements

This ‘ASDs Transition Learning & Development Statement’ was developed to supplement the DEECD ‘Transition: Positive Start to School Learning and Development Statement’. This additional information assists parents and professionals to have a shared understanding of the child’s symptoms of ASD, profile of abilities and how these impact upon him/her. It includes a summary of previous assessments and reports. It also provides information on the student’s learning profile and what teaching and management strategies are currently the most successful.  Visit

Yellow LadyBugs

Yellow Ladybugs is dedicated to the happiness, success and celebration of autistic girls and women.  Yellow Ladybugs is a volunteer community group who proudly create social events, similar to birthday parties, where girls can come together and have the opportunity to meet and bond over their similar journey.  They have a website (link below) and also a Facebook page.

Website -


Sensory Tools offers leading-edge treatment courses and products that specifically address issues associated with Sensory Processing, Autism, Asperger’s, ADHD.  Visit

Sensory Oasis for Kids: Sensory Products for Special Kids with Special Needs Proudly Australian owned & operated, Sensory Oasis for Kids is a Melbourne-based online & retail store run by a mum of three amazing Autistic boys.  Visit

Download - Autism Spectrum Disorder Information

Download the Amaze; Autism and Inclusion at Kindergarten Booklet

Child Protection/The Orange Door

Child Protection

You should contact Child Protection if you have reasonable grounds for believing a child has suffered, or is suffering significant harm as a result of abuse or neglect and that their parent has not protected or is unlikely to protect the child from harm of that type.  A reasonable belief does not require proof.

All Early Childhood Educators are MANDATED to report to Child Protection.  This means Educators are legally obliged to report suspected child abuse.

Child Protection provides child-centered, family-focused services to protect children and young people from significant harm caused by abuse or neglect within the family. The family does not need to be notified or to give their consent to be referred to Child Protection.

For more detailed information, download the page here:

Download - Child Protection Information

The Orange Door

Sometimes things at home or in a relationship are not OK and you need some help and support. 
At The Orange Door, we are here to listen to you and help you to get the support you need quickly and easily. 

We welcome everyone at The Orange Door and you don't need a referral. You can seek help or support if you are a migrant or a refugee or do not have permanent residency.

We know that people continue to be affected by family violence long after the violence stops. If you have experienced family violence in the past and would like help now, contact The Orange Door. 

Download the Orange Door info sheet below for more info and contact details

Community Health (IPC Health)


A community health serviceworks in partnership with the local community to provide responsive, interconnected health and community services.  It is a not-for-profit organisation.


  • Psychology (for children)
  • Family Services    
  • Dietetics
  • Counselling Services (for parents)
  • Dental Services
  • Speech Therapy
  • Paediatricians
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Podiatry
  • GP Services

Child Health Team Services

The Child Health Team offers individual and group services. We can also work together with Kindergarten Educators. This may include visiting the Kindergarten to observe how the child participates in the classroom. This can help us learn about the child’s developmental needs. Strategies may be provided to help support children at Kindergarten.    

Occupational Therapy:
Paediatric Occupational Therapists look at the activities children take part in their everyday life. They help children to take care of themselves (self-care) participate in Kinder and learning (productivity) and enjoy life/leisure (play).  They can help children do activities by themselves so they feel confident when participating at different activities at Kindergarten.

Speech Pathology:

Paediatric Speech Pathologists work with families to help children communicate. They can help support children who have difficulties with their language (understanding and using spoken language), difficulties with saying sounds clearly, social conversation skills and stuttering. 

Psychology (Developmental and Educational):

The psychologist works closely with parents to help them support their child’s development at home. Parents are encouraged to work with the psychologist to help improve their child’s capacity for learning, socialisation and play skills, build emotional regulation or resilience skills and increase their child’s cooperation.

Download the IPC - Community Health Information


To find out more information about Drummond Street and Better Place Australia, please download an Info Sheets

Download - Drummond Street Information

Download- Better Place Australia Information

Early Childhood Approach (NDIS)

What will happen if an educator requests support for a child and they have commenced the pathway with Early Childhood Approach (Brotherhood of St Laurence/NDIS) Services?

ECA services support children 0-6 years with either a developmental delay or a severe disability in Western Melbourne. More information about this service can be found at:

A diagnosis is not required in order to refer to the ECA, one or more areas of significant delay in a child’s development is all that is required (this can be in any developmental area).


The ECA is designed to promote learning, development, wellbeing and participation in the community. This is done in partnership with the family, and any key people in the child’s life e.g. their Teacher/Educator.

This is a FREE service.

The ECA support aims to:

  • promote the child’s learning, development and ability to participate in family, early childhood education and care settings and broader community life
  • Assist parents and families to have the knowledge, skills and support to respond to the needs of their child

ECA support can be delivered by a range of professionals with specialist qualifications who apply their knowledge and expertise to support children to learn and develop. The professionals supporting a child may include:

Occupational therapist– Their specialist knowledge can contribute to supporting the development of a child’s independence in everyday activities including eating, dressing, toileting and a range of activities that are part of family life.

Physiotherapist- Contributes to supporting a child’s development in the areas of movement, posture and balance.

Speech pathologist – Will work in supporting a child who has difficulties talking, understanding speech, stuttering, eating and drinking, swallowing or drooling.

Psychologist– Can assist families to support a child’s social, emotional and overall development. They can provide advice and assistance to families including offering behaviour management guidance.

Specialist Early Childhood Educators– Educators who are trained in early years education and often special education. Educators are often part of ECEI teams and assist families to understand their child’s needs and to provide opportunities and experiences that support their learning and development.


The NDIS has engaged Early Childhood Partners around Australia to deliver the ECA approach. Early Childhood Partners are experienced in providing early childhood intervention.  The Brotherhood of St Laurence is the Early Childhood Partner for Wyndham and their contact details are:

The Brotherhood of St Laurence

Level 1, 236 Hoppers Lane, Werribee

Tel – 1300 275 323

Email –


Educators, families and others can contact the Brotherhood of St Laurence (BSL) if there are concerns about a child’s development.  BSL can help you to get information and access to supports. 

Families are provided with ideas on ways to help their child with their everyday living, learning and development.

As every child is different, the Brotherhood of St Laurence will tailor support to your child’s individual needs and circumstances.

The ECA team will:

  • suggest which supports can best help the child and family. This could mean support from a general practitioner (GP), community health service or the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
  • work with the family to find ways to support the child’s development and learning at home
  • help the family apply for the NDIS if needed

The referral form can be completed online or on paper. This can be found at:


  • Early Childhood Educators (with parent permission)
  • Parents
  • Other service professionals (with parent permission), such as MCH Nurses, GP’s, PSFOs.


Medicare rebates for seeing private therapists

CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT PLAN (formerly known as an Enhanced Primary Care Plan)

  • Rebates are available for Medicare card holders for children with chronic conditions (ongoing for six months or longer) that require ongoing care and support from a GP and allied health professional(s) (such as a Speech Therapist or Occupational Therapist).
  • A maximum of five rebates per patient each calendar year can be obtained when receiving therapy through eligible allied health services. 
  • In order to obtain the rebates, the GP is responsible for creating a GP Management Plan (GPMP) for the child.
  • Allied health services must be provided by eligible providers who are registered with Medicare Australia.


  • A mental health treatment plan lets you claim up to 10 individual and 10 group sessions with a mental health professional each calendar year
  • To start with, your doctor will refer you for up to 6 sessions at a time. If you need more, they can refer you for further sessions. Health professionals set their own fees, so Medicare may only cover some of the cost.
  • When you make your appointment, remember to ask:
    • how much you’ll pay
    • how much of the cost Medicare will cover.
  • It can be a useful idea to consider Telehealth, if access to in person appointments are difficult to find.


  • Book a (longer) appointment with your GP.
  • Visit your GP and ask the Doctor to complete a Chronic Disease Management Plan or a Mental Health Treatment Plan. To support your request, ensure the GP is aware that your child has ongoingdifficulties and has for at least six months. It can be helpful to ask your teacher for some notes/observations of your child.
  • Your GP will complete the required paperwork.
  • You can request a particular allied health professional if you have found one you want to use, and they have agreed to see you.
  • Contact the allied health professional to make an appointment and say you will be using a Chronic Disease Management Plan or a Mental Health Treatment Plan.
  • Ensure that you take the paperwork from the GP with you, for the first appointment with the therapist.
  • When you pay for the service you must receive a receipt which includes the therapist’s name and provider number as well as details of the referring GP.
  • You can submit this to Medicare to receive the rebate. NOTE:  You will need to register your bank details to receive a rebate from Medicare.​​​​​​​

Download - How to get Medicare rebates for seeing therapists

Multicultural and Linguistic Support


Utopia is a refugee and asylum seeker health service providing primary care (GP services) at no cost to refugees and asylum seekers regardless of their Medicare status.

Utopia is a non-government organisation, established by people who believe in health as a human right, and that refugees and asylum seeker like peoples require services tailored to their needs.

Utopia has experience in refugee health, and services are specialised for the needs of refugees and asylum seekers. Onsite treatment is offered, for various conditions that mainstream GPs would be unable to provide. Patients can access treatment close to their homes and avoid the costs and inconvenience of specialist visits for many conditions.

Located in Hoppers Crossing and services offered are:

  • Refugee Health assessments
  • Assistance with Centrelink forms 
  • Women’s Health
  • Paediatric Clinic (Werribee Mercy Hospital Outreach Service) – open to all refugee & asylum seeker children. No Medicare card is required.
  • Psychology
  • General Practice (not taking new patients at present) as of 09/01/24.
  • Maternal Child Health Nurse (from Wyndham City Council)- attends every Monday.
  • Immunisations/Catch up. 

5 Alexandra Ave, Hoppers Crossing

Tel – 8001 3049 or 0406 704 662       Web:     



Supported by VICSEG New Futures and Wyndham City

Culturally diverse playgroups for parents and young children are an important part of Australia’s early childhood services system. VICSEG playgroups actively support hundreds of families throughout the northern and western suburbs of Melbourne. Run in local schools and community centres, our playgroups support children’s bilingual language development and provide early learning experiences that promote positive pathways to kindergarten and primary school.

Parents also benefit from social support and friendship, as well as practical information about health, nutrition and child wellbeing. All our playgroups are free and facilitated by trained and experienced bilingual playgroup leaders.

Examples of some of the Playgroups which may be available in the community

  • Karen/Burmese
  • Chin/Burmese
  • Horn of Africa Women and Children’s Playgroup
  • Indian
  • Korean
  • Russian
  • Chinese/Mandarin
  • South Sudanese
  • Muslim
  • Ukrainian

For more information about the playgroups, please see the attached document with contact details.



fkaCS’ vision is for all children to actively participate in quality education and care services that recognise, value, and embed difference and diversity.

fkaCS support is directly aligned with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) and the National Quality Standards and is underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

fkaCS programs of support cover:

  • WHY it is important to think about cultural inclusion (including the relationship to the VEYLDF).
  • WHAT needs to happen to provide and demonstrate culturally inclusive practice; and
  • HOW to implement changes in practice, reduce barriers to participation and celebrate our diverse community.

fkaCS can support early childhood professionals in a variety of ways:

  1. Cultural Inclusion Support
  2. Professional learning
  3. Consultancy
  4. Community Language Support Workers
  5. Multicultural Resource Centre

Please download the information sheet for more information.

Occupational Therapists (OT)


Paediatric occupational therapy focuses on helping children develop skills which enable them to achieve their best abilities in areas including independence in self-care, sensory processing, fine motor skills and gross motor skills.

The term ‘occupational’ in occupational therapy refers to the ‘occupations’ of our daily life. For a child this usually is kindergarten/school, self-care or play.

Occupational Therapy works towards helping to make ‘life easier’ for children with developmental challenges.

Download the document hereto find out more information.


If you have a child who has challenges with any of the following, an Occupational Therapist may be able to assist:

  • Concentrating (on one thing at a time) and behaving appropriately
  • Sensory Processing (for concentration and learning): sensory reactions within the body or in response to external stimulus which may impact concentration, behaviour and learning.
  • Finger skills (Fine Motor skills): pencil and scissor skills (colouring, drawing, writing), opening lunch bags, manipulating toothbrushes, tying shoelaces.
  • Whole body skills (Gross Motor skills): running, jumping, swimming, bike riding ball skills, posture at the table.
  • Developing independence in self-care (mealtimes, dressing, toileting etc)
  • Organising themselves (such as for playing a game, or packing their bags for school/kinder)
  • Playing (both alone and with others)
  • Self-Management: general organization, keeping track of personal items, understanding time, and using money.


Parents/Guardians can call a Private Occupational Therapist of choice and make an appointment for their child; a referral is not required, unless you wish to access Medicare rebates.

Families may be able to obtain Medicare rebates (up to 5 allied health rebates per calendar year) to patients who are referred by a GP under the Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDMP) - please refer to the section “Medicare rebates for seeing private therapists” on our website.

*Please Note* Children may be eligible for Community Health OT through IPC Health.

There are criteria that must be met in order to be eligible.

For eligibility criteria please contact your local IPC Health Service or speak to your child’s Educators / PSFO.




A Paediatrician is a doctor who specialises in children’s health and development.


A referral to a Paediatrician would be made to gain support for any child showing concerns related to their learning, growth or development.

This may include:

  • Developmental delay, including language delay
  • Behaviour problems such as attention problems, aggression, poor emotional regulation, defiance and social challenges
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or suspicions of ASD
  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or suspicions of ADHD
  • Sleep and eating problems
  • Learning difficulties
  • Continence problems such as daytime wetting, soiling, constipation, night-time wetting
  • General medical conditions such as asthma, eczema, food allergies, abdominal pain, failure to thrive, urinary tract infections
  • Follow up for babies born prematurely or term babies who experienced difficulties during their neonatal period


To see a Paediatrician a referral must be gained from the family doctor (GP). Once a referral is made by the family doctor, the parent is required to make contact with the Paediatrician’s office to make an appointment.

Download the document here to find out more information.

NB the list of Paediatricians included in the document is not exhaustive and is not a list of recommended services by the PSFO Service.  If you discover any new services in your area, we would be happy to add them to our list, please send details to               

*Please Note* Children may be eligible for Paediatric Services (including the Paediatric Fellow) through IPC Health. Charges may also apply. For eligibility criteria and more information please contact your local IPC Health Service or speak to your child’s Educators / PSFO.

IPC Health Paediatrician Services:
Wyndham Vale Super Clinic - 510 Ballan Road, Wyndham Vale, 3024
Phone 9216 7991



Developmental Psychologists work with you and your child if you have questions or worries about your child in the areas of behaviour, emotions and social skills. This may include stress and anxiety issues and/or processing traumatic experiences. Therapy delivered by a Psychologist aims to improve children’s resilience, capacity to cope and thrive.

Download the document here to find out more information.

NB the list of services included in the document is not exhaustive and is not a list of recommended services by the PSFO Service.  If you discover any new services in your area, we would be happy to add them to our list, please send details to


If you have a child who has challenges with the following, a Psychologist may be able to assist:

  • Learning about, recognising and responding to their feelings appropriately
  • Challenging behaviours including tantrums, aggression & anger management
  • Sharing, talking to and playing with other children
  • Being independent – including going to the toilet, feeding and going to sleep by themselves
  • Low self esteem
  • Managing anxiety including separation anxiety & social anxiety
  • School / Kindergarten refusal
  • Coping with grief / loss or adjusting to family circumstances (eg Separation)
  • Psychological Assessment such as educational assessments, cognitive assessments and ASD assessments


Parents/Guardians can call a Private Psychologist of choice and make an appointment for their child; a referral is not required, unless you wish to access Medicare rebates (see below).

The following list contains a variety of Psychologists in the Wyndham area - this list is not exhaustive and the PSFO Service do not endorse any service listed.  Please contact the service direct for more information and details of charges. 

You can also refer to the Australian Psychological Society website to search for a Psychologist within your area – and go to the “Find a Psychologist“ link.  

Families may be able to obtain Medicare rebates (up to 20 allied mental health services per calendar year) to patients who are referred by a GP under a Mental Health Treatment Plan - please refer to the section “Medicare rebates for seeingtherapists”.

*Please Note* Children may be eligible for Community Health Psychology through IPC Health.  There are criteria that must be met in order to be eligible. For eligibility criteria please contact your local IPC Health Service or speak to your child’s Educators / PSFO

Speech Pathologists


A speech Pathologists sees children who experience difficulties with talking or understanding language, including the social use of language as needed in conversing with others, asking for help etc. Advice is available to families in regards to encouraging language development at home. Speech therapists also work with children who have problems eating, drinking or other oral motor issues.

Download the document here to find out more information.


Speech therapy support would be necessary for a child who has speech and language delays. These may be in expressive language (i.e. the child’s ability to express themselves and be understood by others) or receptive language (i.e. the child’s ability to take in and process language to understand instructions etc.).  It is important to check if the child is having difficulty hearing if there are concerns about the child’s speech and language development.


Contact the therapist directly.  A referral is not needed.  A parent can call and make an appointment for their child.

Families may be able to obtain Medicare rebates (up to 5 allied health rebates per calendar year) to patients who are referred by a GP under the Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDMP) - please refer to the section “Medicare rebates for seeingtherapists”.

Usually a speech therapist will request the child to have a hearing test completed before a speech assessment is completed.

Free hearing tests are available through Wyndham Health Care at 233 Heaths Rd Werribee 3030, ph: 9749 2766.  These are bulk billed and require a referral from a doctor.

*Please Note* Children may be eligible for Community Health Speech Therapy through IPC Health.

There are criteria that must be met in order to be eligible.

For eligibility criteria please contact your local IPC Health Service or speak to your child’s Educators / PSFO. There is a waitlist for these services.

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