Wyndham Learning festival is calling for new event holders

Wyndham Learning Festival is calling for new learning event providers to be part of this year’s festival with submissions open until 22 July.

The Wyndham Learning Festival 2023 is going to be even more diverse with a range of new events and activities to interest everyone in the community.

The Wyndham Learning Festival, led by the Wyndham Community Education Centre and supported by Wyndham City, is eager to secure new learning events that will inspire, challenge, and interest learners in Wyndham.

Wyndham City’s Learning City portfolio holder, Cr Jasmine Hill, said: “The Wyndham Learning Festival will run from 1 to 7 September and will feature a curated program of events ensuring that all members of the community find a learning event that interests them.”

 “The aim of the Festival is to bring people together through learning, motivate the community to try something new and to promote lifelong learning for all age groups.”

“The theme of this year’s festival is Our Thriving, Creative Community. The Festival encompasses a huge array of events and activities for you to try something new and learn.” 

“There are still spots available for events, programs and activities. I encourage learning event and activities holders that haven’t been part of the Wyndham Learning Festival before to find out more and see how you can be part of inspirational learning.”

The program highlight, this year, is the signature event featuring the acclaimed writer and educationalist Mem Fox, reflecting on her career of creativity and inspiration on Friday, 1 September from 5.30pm at Wyndham’s Cultural Centre. Keep the date free to join in the celebrations of 40 years of literary significance.

Registrations to run an event are open until 22 July. So, if you have an event or activity that you would like to be included in this year’s Wyndham Learning Festival, register now.

Find more information on the Festival and to register your event visit: Wynlearnfestival.org.au


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