Wyndham City is pleased to reveal a new permanent public artwork featuring native flora, plants, animals and the cycle of nature and the environment at Wyndham Vale train station.

Council has been working in partnership with the Department of Transport Victoria and V-Line on a new public artwork commission titled ‘Transporting Arts’.

Wyndham City’s Creative City portfolio holder, Cr Mahfoud, said: “Council is proud to support the successful appointment of local artist Chi Studio, also known as Yu Fang Chi, of Hoppers Crossing.”

“Chi’s artwork titled Interweave features native flora, animals and the environmental impact on the land and has been installed on the overhead façade which is a huge 10 metres x 1.2 metres, at the Wyndham Vale Station entrance foyer, adjacent to Academy Way.” 

“Yu Fang’s work celebrates the unique environment, eco-system, heritage, and the contextual history of the site.”

“The artwork reflects the cycle and rhythm of nature, the transformation of time and seasons and to stimulate a sense of engagement and understanding of our land.”

“The commission is part of a larger state-wide initiative that features multiple installations across metropolitan and regional transport hubs in Victoria to improve the aesthetics of train stations, improve passenger safety and to provide opportunities for artists to showcase their work in the public realm.”

For more information visit on Wyndham’s Public Art program and collection go to https://www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/services/arts-culture/public-art/public-art-wyndham


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