Wyndham City is calling on the community to share their feedback on the current cat curfew that aims to ensure cats are not wandering between 10pm and 6am.

Wyndham City Mayor Cr Susan McIntyre said consultation on the cat curfew is listed as an action in the Domestic Animal Management Plan 2021 -2025.

“We’d like to know if cat curfews, where owners are asked to restrict their cats to their properties between 10pm and 6am, are meeting the needs of our community,” she said.

“This feedback is encouraged from cat owners and the general community.”

“Cats out at night can sometimes be a nuisance to neighbours, prey on indigenous animals and run the risk of encountering feral cats that can spread disease through injuries resulting from fights.”

“We have a focus on positive pet ownership in Wyndham, encouraging residents to care for the overall wellbeing of their animals, this includes desexing and microchipping them and also keeping them inside during the cat curfew.”

“We’re fortunate that many of our cat owners enjoy the companionship and are positive pet owners but we also know, due to cats found roaming at night, that there’s room for improvement.”

“As a Council we provide positive pet ownership education and can direct owners to useful information on how to restrain their cats and information about cat enclosures.”

For more information and to provide feedback before 20 November at: https://theloop.wyndham.vic.gov.au/cat-curfew

Find out more at the following drop-in sessions:

Session 1

Saturday 28 October, 2023, 10AM - 1PM
Wyndham Pound, 1/6 Wallace Ave, Point Cook

Session 2

Wednesday 8 November, 2023, 3-5PM
Reception area, Wyndham Civic Centre 45 Princes Highway, Werribee

Session 3

Tuesday 14 November, 2023, 9-11AM
Manor Lakes Community Centre, 86 Manor Lakes Boulevard, Manor Lakes.

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