Geographic Names Victoria made it official! The Regional Football Facility’s reserve and pavilion in Tarneit will now be known as Ironbark Fields and Ironbark Pavilion.

Wyndham City’s Active City portfolio holder, Peter Maynard, said it’s been eight months in the making, and it’s time to cheer the official names.

“It’s exciting to name this incredible sporting asset that will be enjoyed now and for generations to come,” he said.

Wyndham City Mayor, Cr Jennie Barrera said it was wonderful that it was a community named facility.

“We’re so proud of this state-of-the-art training facility that includes three pitches, a two-storey pavilion and capacity for 5,000 spectators,” she said.

"Ironbark Fields” , nestled within the 63-hectare Wyndham Stadium Precinct, is the first stage  of the Australian first Public Private Partnership with Western Melbourne Group which will deliver a premier sports destination in the West once fully developed.

Ironbark Fields and Ironbark Pavilion serves as a match-day venue for both Liberty A-League Women matches and Isuzu UTE A-League Men matches from March 2024 until the 15,000 capacity Wyndham Stadium is built.

More information about the Wyndham Stadium Precinct can be found at:


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