The Wyndham Landscape Development Levels of Service (WLDLS) Parts A & B determine the level of development or ‘embellishment’ to occur on each area of open space.

The intention of the WLDLS is to ensure that all open spaces are beautiful, functional, provide consistency across Wyndham and are affordable to maintain and renew into the future. It doesn’t limit creativity and it provides a platform for landscape designers to create a point of difference for each park and provide diversity in the Wyndham open space network.

Implementation of the WLDLS provides the following benefits:

  • Systematic and common approach to landscape development;
  • Increased control of future financial liabilities;
  • Allows design creativity and innovation; and
  • Streamlined approvals process

These levels of service apply to all Council led and developer led landscape development.

Landscape Creation- Development Levels of Service 2019 PART A

Landscape Creation- Development Levels of Service 2019 PART B

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