Resilient Wyndham

Resilient Wyndham looks at Wyndham’s long-term resilience and will help to guide and manage the way Wyndham bounces back after the COVID-19 pandemic to adapt, survive and thrive in the face of future events such as climate change, extreme weather, natural disasters, pandemics, cyber-security attacks and economic downturn. Resilience is about being prepared for the unexpected.

Providing a four-year vision to 2025, Resilient Wyndham includes an annual action plan with targets and actions to help strengthen Wyndham's resilience and ability to better prepare for future shocks and stresses. The Strategy captures what is already being done as well as identifying where we can do more.

Resilient Wyndham 2021-2025 is our pledge to work with our diverse communities, businesses and organisations to be better prepared for our uncertain future. Wyndham is a growing and diverse municipality of metropolitan Melbourne, with 96.7% of the population living in urban areas.

We have experienced our fair share of disruption during COVID-19, and although we are proud of our response, it is clear that focusing on our resilience needs to be a priority. Resilient Wyndham sets out our plan to shift the dial on building better resilience across Wyndham, responding to the acute shocks and stresses we may experience. Through a process of internal and external engagement, we have identified five Focus Areas and aligned actions where we have inspiring opportunities to work together to support Our People, Our Environment, Our Places, and Our Future.

Underpinning this work is a strong evidence base that a connected and inclusive community is more resilient to whatever comes its way.

We can all play a part in building resilience. We invite you to work with us to achieve a resilient Wyndham – after all, we are stronger together.

Download Resilient Wyndham Summary Flyer

Download Resilient Wyndham 2021 – 2025

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