Street address
20 Tyrone Street, Werribee, Vic., 3030
Postal address
20 Tyrone Street, Werribee, Vic., 3030

We exist to provide Information and Peer Support to people living with Parkinson’s Disease.

When, Where and Why

Dates / Times: We meet on the Third Friday of each month between February and November of each calendar year. Meetings times are from about 1.30 pm. to 3.00 pm.

Where: Old Shire Building, 49 Watton Street Werribe (rear of the Werribee Historical museum, near Cnr of Watton St & Duncan's Rd)

Why: We exist to provide Information and Peer Support to people living with Parkinson’s Disease.

Activities are driven by members to provide platforms to access emotional and social support, networking opportunities and information related to Parkinson’s Disease.

Other: Membership is free to people living with Parkinson ’s Disease, and to their family, carers / support people.

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