Street address
Werribee VIC 3030
Postal address
PO Box 74
Werribee VIC 3030
0401 854 560

WRA works for human health across catchments, meeting the challenges of urbanisation and a changing climate. WRA urges greater care of land and aquatic habitat.

WRA stafff and volunteers work with many partners, harnessing community pride in waterways, respecting waterways as living entities, calling for improved human access to waterways and their health-giving benefits.

We have active business partners, and welcome further business support for our activities and programs.

WRA has an excellent track record in biodiversity, sustainability and water quality initiatives including platypus research, revegetation works, water quality testing, pollution mapping, litter research, and litter clean-ups.

WRA hosts the Werribee Riverkeeper who acts as the voice of the waterways, and our people are active in building relationships and networking across Melbourne, statewide and internationally.

Visit the new Werribee River Guide website to find out the special places and hidden gems along the river. Whether planning a family day out, or looking to get on the move along the trails, the Werribee River Guide is a resource to explore.



Managed by
Not for Profit
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