Street address
24 Hope Street, Brunswick VIC 3056.
Postal address
PO Box 204, Brunswick VIC 3056.
(03) 9005 7459
0429 933 391

Our mission is to make times of transition, uncertainty and loss not only less debilitating, but also opportunities for building resilience and creating community.

Bring meaning to people’s lives through agendaless acts of human kindness with SHA’s Kindness Collective.

Thanks to an Innovation Grant from Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation and additional funding from the Australian Council on Social Innovation, we will be vetting, preparing and supporting people to serve as ‘community-based companions’ in our latest kindness-informed/citizen-led health initiative.

Placement opportunities to serve people impacted by loneliness (particularly existential loneliness) social isolation, complex health issues (including terminal illness), and bereavement will be provided by our referral partners from in healthcare, aged care and charitable funeral service.

Companions will be asked to go through an application/interview process; provide two referees; pass a Police Check; attend an induction day; participate in regularly scheduled online reflective practice sessions; and, make time to visit one or more community members in one-on-one sessions, or as part of a 3 to 5 person team.

If you’d like to bring meaning to people’s live through agendaless acts of human kindness, and be part of our emerging, diverse community, please email us or ring us on (03) 9005 7459.

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