Your personal information is being collected by Council for the purpose of administering your application for the Level Up Project.  Any information you submit as part of your application will be processed by Council in accordance with the project Terms and Conditions.  Your personal information will be stored in Council’s Customer Database and used to identify you when communicating with Council and for the delivery of services and information.  You can access or amend your personal information at any time by writing to Council’s Privacy Officer at  For further information on how your personal information is handled, visit Council’s Privacy Policy at:

Contact Details
Preferred Contact Number Type (required)

Upload the following 3 documents:

  • 1 page Artist CV
  • Exhibition proposal - Maximum 2-pages PDF (2MB)
  • Samples of your creative practice, images/web links (2MB)
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
Declaration and acknowledgement

By submitting an application for Level Up (‘project’), you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If your application does not comply with these terms and conditions, it will not be valid and will not be considered.

These terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with any relevant project information, such as your application form and the information published on Council’s website.


1.1 To be eligible for the project, applicants must;

(a) Live or work in, or have a connection to Victoria

(b) be compliant with all relevant local, state and federal legislation.

1.2 Applications will NOT be accepted from:

(a) Council staff, Councillors and their family members;

(b) an individual or organisation without an ABN;

(c) applicants that have failed to provide satisfactory acquittal reporting for any previous Council funding; or

(d) applicants that are currently declared bankrupt or who are undergoing any form of insolvency event.


2.1 To apply for the project, you must submit a properly completed application form.

2.2 Council will not seek to correct errors in applications.  Applications will be assessed as they have been submitted.

2.3 Council reserves the right to request further information when considering applications, and the right to reject any application that is ineligible or does not meet the assessment criteria.


3.1 Applications will be assessed by an independent selection panel outside of the Wyndham City Arts and Culture staff.

3.2 The Wyndham City Arts and Culture staff will determine the outcome of all applications based on the recommendations made by the assessment panel.

3.3 All applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application.


No consideration will be given to applications submitted by applicants who have canvassed or lobbied Councillors or Council staff in relation to their application.


Successful applicants:

5.1 must enter into a funding agreement with Council and comply with the terms and conditions of the funding agreement; and

5.1 may be required to submit a report that sets out how the funds were utilised and short-term funding outcomes.  This report may be requested at any time within 12 months of the funds being provided.


6.1 Applications are confidential and will only be disclosed in accordance with these terms and conditions, or as required by law.

6.2 Applicants acknowledge and agree that their names, the project details and the amount of funding requested and/or awarded may be made publicly available by Council and may be utilised in reports to Council and for use in project-related marketing material.


7.1 Council accepts no responsibility for late, lost, incomplete, invalid or corrupt applications.

7.2 Council reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time, without prior notice.

7.3 Council’s decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

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