Street address
Jefferson Street
Postal address
0433 588 291

Our business purely to provide the best and quality Bamboo wipes and nappies to Aussie children and to introduce environmentally friendly products. The Bamboo nappies are beautifully soft compared to other biodegradable nappies. Bamboo diapers Manufacture of degradable materials, No latex, PVC, TBT, or antioxidants. Natural bamboo compounded in the top sheet and back sheet. Super soft top sheet ensures your baby’s comfort.

100% Biodegradable and sustainably sourced bamboo wipes have been brought to the Australian environment to continuously support the green environment and running an environmentally friendly business like we help reduce the impact on the environment.

Bamboo are relatively newcomer to the eco-nappy market yet are already making worthy changes. Bamboo, who make nappies that will largely break down, have information on the website about necessary conditions: hot compost (Great for Australia) is preferable.

We provide our nappies to wholesale suppliers, baby stores, childcare and disabilities services.

We have retail platforms for families to use our website and have use online platforms like eBay and Amazon. The online platform make shopping easier and get diver to your door.

We are based in Melbourne and can deliver nappies and wipes on Australia wides.

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