Public Question Information

  1. Questions must be submitted by 5pm on the day prior to the Council Meeting.
  2. In accordance with Wyndham’s Governance Rules (Rule 55.9), a question may not be allowed if it relates to any of the following:
    a. relates to a matter outside the duties, functions and powers of Council;
    b. is defamatory, indecent, abusive, offensive, irrelevant, trivial or objectionable in language or substance;
    c. deals with a subject matter already answered;
    d. is aimed at embarrassing a Councillor or a member of Council staff;
    e. relates to personnel matter, the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer, industrial matters, contractual matters, proposed developments, legal advice, matters affecting the security of Council property; OR relates to any other matter which Council
    f. considers would prejudice Council or any person.
  3. Persons submitting questions must be present in the Chamber when it is read out, otherwise it will not be considered,

Privacy Collection Statement

Your personal information is being collected by Council to present and answer your question/s at a public meeting of Council. Your personal information will be used by Council to  communicate with you regarding your question/s and your name and address will be published in the minutes of the meeting on Council’s website and become a public record.  For further information on Council’s handling of personal information visit Council’s Privacy Policy.

Your Details
Address (required)
Council Meeting Dates (required)
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