Street address
540 Derrimut Road, Tarneit, 3029
8755 0924

The new shopping centre open 7 days a week has a Coles, Kmart, Aldi, Harris Scarfe and more than 45 specialty retailers that cover fresh food, cafes, restaurants, variety stores and an assortment of service outlets.

Along with a great mix of stores, the centre features state of the art amenities. A designated indoor play zone for children with interactive components, which is great on a cold day when you’re wondering what to do with the kids.

Accommodating the needs of young families, the centre includes a cutting edge full parents retreat adjoining the bathrooms, acknowledging how much young mums and dads appreciate this.

Other conveniences include free wifi, changing places disability toilet hoist, a large carpark and extended trading hours for major retailers.

Managed by
Private Company
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