Do you want help updating your resume? Finding your first job in Australia? Or returning to the workforce after some time away?
Opportunity Wyndham is a partnership which helps Wyndham residents find local, meaningful employment. Together, we offer a wide range of supports for anyone on different stages of their employment journey.
To find out more about local events, programs, and workshops that can help you build your employment skills and professional connections, look through our calendar today!
If you have any further questions, please email
What's On
Transition to Work Drop-in Session at Youth Projects!
Adult Migrant English Program
Settling Into Work - Hoppers Crossing Library
Settling Into Work - Julia Gillard Library Tarneit
Build your Interview Confidence
Build your Interview Confidence
Your Career Plan, what to do next
Your Career Plan, what to do next
Get Australian Job Ready
Mastering Key Selection Criteria
Mastering Key Selection Criteria
Resume New and Renew
Job Search Strategies
Looking for more?
To receive updates on local networking, industry insights and skill development opportunities in your inbox each month, register for the Employment Pathways newsletter .
To see information about other careers and job-readiness programs run by other organisations in Wyndham, filter by ‘Job-Readiness on the Wyndham What’s On page.