Fire Danger Rating

Fire Danger Rating

Fire Danger Ratings tell the community how dangerous a fire could be if one started.

They are an important and useful tool as they help decide what actions to take to protect yourself, your family and the community from bushfires and grassfires.

While Wyndham City doesn’t have a lot of bushfire areas, there is a lot of grass and open spaces. Grassfires do occur throughout the municipality.

There are four levels of fire danger in the Fire Danger Rating system:

  • Moderate: Plan and prepare
  • High: Be ready to act
  • Extreme: Take action now to protect your life and property
  • Catastrophic: For your survival, leave bushfire risk areas

Fire Danger Ratings will be issued on days when there is a fire risk.

Each fire danger rating will have a clear set of messages including the actions the community can take to reduce their risk.

Ratings are forecast using Bureau of Meteorology data for up to four days in advance, based on weather and other environmental conditions such as vegetation.

The rating is your trigger to take action to stay safe. For more information and to know what to do during each of the Fire Danger Ratings, visit CFA website.

Total Fire Ban

Total Fire Ban

Total Fire Bans are declared by CFA's Chief Officer on days of heightened fire danger to reduce the risk of a fire starting.

As well as the Fire Danger Rating, the Chief Officer also considers other factors such as current fires in the landscape, resource commitment and increased likelihood for human and lightning induced fires when declaring Total Fire Bans.

Therefore, CFA might declare a Total Fire Ban for areas that have not reached an 'Extreme' Fire Danger Rating.

Fire Plan

What’s in your fire plan? Victoria is one of the most fire prone areas in the world. It is important that all Victorians know how to plan for and respond to a fire.

Take a few minutes to prepare your fire plan online and discuss steps you would take with your household to plan for and respond to a potential fire in your area.  Visit Fire Planner.

To learn more about fire messaging, please visit CFA website.


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