The Wyndham Sports Facility Capital Development Guide was endorsed by Council at the Ordinary Council meeting on the 7 April 2020.

The Guide identifies Wyndham City’s commitment to infrastructure for sport and recreation through its policy statement:

Council provides flexible and sustainable sports facilities that support community sport, facilitate shared use and provide a place for community connectedness. 

Wyndham’s sports facilities will be places where the whole community can participate in leisure and recreation activities.

Principles include:

  • Maximise the flexibility of facilities through inclusive design which promotes active leisure by the whole community including people of varying ages, interests, gender, identities, abilities and cultures.
  • Ensure facilities are fit for purpose and sustainably enhance the community’s resources.
  • Support local access to local communities to increase community connectedness.
  • Provide safe, supportive and respectful environments to participate, free from discrimination and fear of violence.
  • Maximise the principles of Environmental Sustainable Design to conserve and enhance the communities future resource needs.
  • Ensure facilities are aesthetically responsive to their local community to increase community connectedness.
  • Ensure equitable community participation in recreation and leisure pursuits.
  • Support users to work in partnership to provide safe, friendly and inclusive environments. 
  • Support user groups to be financially viable while promoting social responsibility.
  • Support user groups to provide access to healthy environments which promote community wellbeing.
  • Enable Council to address the access needs of growth activities and diversity of opportunities.
  • Form strong partnerships between Council and users regarding the capital development of facilities.
  • Provide transparency in the responsibilities for provision of outdoor sports facilities.

The Guide will be used to inform the planning of all new sports facilities and to retrospectively fund the upgrade of existing facilities to maximise their community benefit.

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