The new Wyndham Accessibility and Inclusion Plan (A&IP) 2023-2025 was endorsed by council on 26th September 2023. The A&IP articulates council commitment to improving accessibility and inclusion for people with a disability in our municipality.

The plan was developed in consultation with community and other keys stakeholders from January to August 2023. Further information about the consultation can be sourced on The Loop.

Our Vision for new A&IP remains the same as the previous plan as it builds for the work undertaken previously.

“People with disability, our families and/or carers experience dignity, respect and inclusive access to opportunities and services. Our voice is respected, we have control over our lives, and disability pride and diversity are celebrated.”

Wyndham’s Accessibility and Inclusion Plan is centred around outcomes. The ‘outcomes’ are our end goals, the change we will work towards with the Plan. The outcomes framework will help to determine where we are having an impact in progressing accessibility and inclusion for people living with disability in Wyndham. 

A primary objective of this Plan is to build confidence by facilitating equitable engagement and participation for people with disability in our community.

DOWNLOAD: Accessibility and Inclusion Plan 2023-2025

DOWNLOAD: Accessibility and Inclusion Plan 2023-2025 (easy English version)

Accessibility & Inclusion Plan Priorities and Outcomes






Community attitudes

  1. People with disability feel included and enjoy greater social connection

Capacity Builder/Broker, Partner,

Accessible services

  1. People with disability can readily access the services they need

Capacity Builder/Broker, Partner, and Service Provider

Accessible information

  1. People with a disability have access to information that meets the user needs


  1. Carers are supported with access to information that assists their own advocacy as well as that of the family member they care for

Advocate, Capacity Builder/Broker, Partner, and Service Provider


Advocate, Capacity Builder/Broker


  1. Children with a disability are provided with the supports required to begin school


  1. People with a disability have access to formal and informal learning opportunities regardless of age or ability

Service Provider and Advocate



Service Provider, Capacity Builder/Broker, Partner, and


Employment & economic participation

  1. People with disability can get and maintain jobs that meet their needs and improve their lives

Capacity Builder/Broker, Partner, and Advocate





  1. People with disability enjoy greater wellbeing including access to healthy food options

Capacity Builder/Broker, Partner, and Advocate


Mental health

  1. People with disability report improved mental wellbeing

Planner, Advocate, and Partner

Accessible housing

  1. People with disability can access affordable housing built to universal design standards

Advocate, Planner


Accessible built & natural environments

  1. People with disability can navigate urban and natural environments regardless of their age, ability, gender, identity, culture, language, or any other social characteristic

Service Provider, Planner and Advocate


Emergency preparedness

  1. People with disability can access emergency communications (e.g. during fire, flood, etc.)

Capacity Builder/ Broker, Partner, and Service Provider



Preventing abuse & neglect

  1. People with disability are protected against abuse and neglect

Capacity Builder/Broker, Partner, and Advocate


Voice & leadership

  1. People with disability can exercise their civic rights and responsibilities regardless of their intersectionality (e.g. First Nations, multicultural and LGBTIQ+)

Service Provider, and Planner


Pride & recognition

  1. People with disability are recognised and celebrated regardless of their age, ability, gender, identity, culture, language, or any other social characteristic

Advocate, Capacity Builder/Broker, and Partner


For further information about the plan please contact Edna Da Silva, Disability and Positive Ageing planner on: or alternatively: Wyndham Disability Services Network

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