
Researching the market allows you to identify your customers, your competitors and your industry.

Facts & Figures about Wyndham

Wyndham City’s Economic Profile can help you with facts and figures to support your business research and planning.  The profile includes data such as employment by industry, wages and salaries, population trends, regional exports and imports.

Wyndham City’s Economic Development Unit has access to more detailed economic data and modelling resources if you require additional information.

Spendmapp Reports

Spendmapp by Geografia Monthly and Quarterly Economic Snapshots provides spend activity in our local economy, which include spending by Wyndham residents as well as visitors.

It does this by taking transaction data from banking institutions (including EFTPOS, credit and debit cards) and applying a proprietary data conversion process to capture almost every economic transaction occurring within a specific region.

2024 Reports

Monthly Reports

Quarterly Economic Snapshots

2023 Reports

Monthly Reports

Quarterly Economic Snapshots

Glossary of Terms – Expenditure Types

The following list the types of expenditure in the monthly reports:

  • Total Local Spend: Total spending inside your Local Government Area(LGA
  • Resident Local Spend: Spending by residents and local businesses inside your LGA.
  • Visitor Local Spend: Spending by non-residents and non-resident businesses inside your LGA representing the amount of external demand met by local supply.
  • Resident Online Spend: Refers to the amount spent by local cardholders and businesses on online goods and services.
  • Resident Escape Spend: Total spending by residents and local businesses outside your LGA (excluding online purchases).
  • Total Resident Spend: Refers to the sum of all resident spending, irrespective of destination. That is the sum of Resident Local Spend, Resident Escape Spend and Resident Online Spend.

Data source: Spendmapp by Geografia (2024)

You can also gain an understanding of how Wyndham fits in with the rest of Australia by reviewing Australian Bureau of Statistics data.

Develop a Business Plan

It is important to prepare a business plan when you start a business and to review it regularly.

A business plan is a documented set of business goals, objectives, target market information and financial forecasts that you aim to achieve over a certain period of time.  It gives your business direction and helps you prepare for the future.

Business plan templates are available at the following government websites:

Develop a Marketing Plan

A marketing plan helps you identify your customers and competitors and implement your marketing strategy.

When writing a marketing plan you need to be clear about your marketing objectives and how you’re going to achieve them.

Marketing plan templates are available at the following government websites:

Government Support

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