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Jam Way Quilters Patch

Jam Way Quilters Patch

Patchwork classes with an experienced Patch worker!

Point Cook Community Dinner & Conversation

Sharing culture and conversation over a shared meal.

Paradox FReeZA Present:

All Ages Event!

Yoga for Adults

Yoga is an ancient practice that incorporates gentle exercise, breath control and meditation.

Heartfulness Yoga and Meditation

Heartfulness was is one such system of yoga & meditation that supports self-development, stress management and awakened consciousness
Wyndham Markers and Farmers Market

Wyndham Markers and Farmers Market

The Wyndham Community in Werribee is home to a vibrant local market.
two people with white hair wearing light tops and dark trousers walk along a path away from the camera

Walking With Wyndham Life Activities Club

Enjoy a social walk with the Wyndham Life Activities Club
children are spread around different activity stations on blue mats, one is jumping, another has a hoop, another is balancing on a blue beam, another is trying a handstand

Sensory Stepping Stones with Werribee Gymnastics Club

Children aged 6 to 12 years can enjoy gymnastics in classes designed for children with neuro-diversity. Different classes support different levels of need.

Digital Art - Digital collage

Join us for a four-hour introduction workshop on collage using digital techniques with artist I dream in RGB. Learn how to use photos and videos to collage and make a short video.

Carnival@ The Y - YMCA Children's Carnival

A community outreach program by the YMCA with interesting and engaging activities for children between the ages of 0-12 years old.

Zumba Fitness with Zin Monica

Move to a contagious blend of Latin and international rhythms that provides a fun and effective workout
a line of people are sitting with their legs stretched out reaching for their toes

Seniors Exercise Class

Gentle workout to keep you feeling fit and strong
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