Nature journaling is the practice of drawing or writing in response to nature. This mindfulness practice will help you slow down, notice the little things, and form stronger nature connections with the natural environment where you live. During this nature journaling series we will explore Wyndham's native flora and fauna as we follow the spring wildflowers through riparian, grassland, and costal ecosystems.

For the third workshop in this series we will explore Wyndham's coastline. A quick stroll through the coastal scrub will bring us to the shoreline of Port Phillip Bay. We will explore the intertidal zone of the Point Cook Marine Sanctuary, learn about some of the unusual plants and animals that live in our bay, and practice nature journaling techniques with some of the fascinating things that wash up on the shoreline.

You do not need to be an experienced drawer to be able to take part in this workshop. Join us to learn the the basics of nature journaling and to start your nature connection practice.

Register for one, or all three nature journaling workshops in this series.

What to bring

Lightweight deck chair or blanket to sit on,
Sketchbook for journaling,
Pencil or pen to draw with.
Optional items : coloured pencils, watercolour pencils, watercolour paint, sketching charcoal, fine-line pens.
*Meeting location: follow Main Drive through the Point Cook Costal Park until you reach the carpark near the beach. We will meet near the toilet block and then walk down to the shoreline.

Date and time

Point Cook Costal Park, Main Dr, Point Cook

Wyndham City - Green Living



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